Case Study
Masons Freehouse, Ingleton
Masons Freehouse, Ingleton
Project Objectives To fulfil the architects scheme in a short lead time by creating a covered outdoor dining area measuring 60m2, wit...
Project Objectives To create a watertight outdoor area of 180m2 that would allow customers to be served from the restaurant, and to provi...
Project Objectives Duckworth Outdoor Solutions were tasked with creating two year-round, all-weather outdoor areas at the front of this L...
Project Objectives To provide a covered outdoor dining area at the front of their existing tearoom, complete with signage to make it more...
Project Objectives An existing client, Ribby Hall, approached Duckworth Outdoor Solutions to design and install a covered area at their n...
Project Objectives Duckworth Outdoor Solutions were tasked with creating a commercial awning system to provide coverage of six outdoor ta...
Project Objectives To provide a covered area with a full heating system and glass balustrade enclosure, and also to replace the existing ...
Project Objectives The client, Starbucks Coffee, approached Duckworth Outdoor Solutions to design and deliver an awning solution for a la...
Project Objectives Duckworth Outdoor Solutions were commissioned by a private residential client in Didsbury, South Manchester, to design...
Project Objectives Duckworth Outdoor Solutions were commissioned to provide a covered dining area with heating and lighting that can be u...
Project Objectives Muse Bar & Grill approached Duckworth Outdoor Solutions to design and install a covered dining area with an outdoor he...